Cantin le VoyageurIn this series of audio CD’s, Cantin travels around the French-speaking world to meet children, learn about the culture, sing local songs, and tell authentic legends. They help children learn about other cultures and begin to appreciate their nuances. Take an audio journey to Tahiti, Louisiana, Martinique, Mali, Morocco, Senegal, Vietnam, Guadeloupe, Tunisia and Haiti.
Sosnowski Language Resources, 58 Sears Rd Wayland, MA 01778. Tel: 508-358-7891, Fax: 508-358-6687. E-mail:
Ayala, R.R., Mitos y Leyendas de los Incas, Edicomunicación, 1999. ISBN 84-7672-895-6
Barlow, Genevieve, Leyendas latinoamericanas, National Textbook Company,
Barlow, Genevieve and William Stivers, Leyendas mexicanas, NTC
El conejo y el mapurite – cuento venezolano, Ediciones Ekaré ISBN 980-257-006-0. This press is a good source
Galván, Nelda, Cuentos de la tradición mexicana, Selector actualidad editorial, 1999, ISBN 970-643-187-x
González, Olympia, Leyendas cubanas, NTC
Kennedy, James, Relatos latinoamericanos: la herencia africana, NTC
Legends of Mexico, National Endowment for the Humanities and University of Cincinnati, 1996
Muckley, Robert and Adela Martínez-Santiago, Leyendas de Puerto Rico, NTC
Freedom for French: Proficiency First
We provide profession lesson plans for Spanish and French teachers with students at the novice and intermediate levels. We also offer free resources from our classrooms.
Our lessons are organized into thematic units that focus on culture and folk literature. Lessons include inventive activities to help students express their opinions, discuss authentic stories, or engage in impromptu conversations with native speakers. The lessons plans describe ways to assess student performance, differentiate instruction, and scaffold student learning into doable steps. Visit our products page for more information.
Language Shaping Solutions | 2428 35th Avenue Northeast, Issaquah, WA, 98029, United States