Tips for providing opportunities for Interpersonal Speaking

Some teachers have reported difficulty assessing interpersonal performances with novice level learners. Since 2000, we have experimented with many impromptu assessments where students interact with another speaker to construct meaning. Here are some ideas for creating interpersonal assessments.

  • Identify pictures of characters using single words
  • With a partner order a series of pictures to tell the story
  • Milling Activity: Students obtain information by interviewing other students with conversation prompters.
  • Act out a scene involving conversation with a partner
  • Have a conversation with another student in the role of characters.
  • Have a conversation with your partner to explain your opinion a story
  • Use an illustration as a prompt for talking with a partner
  • The class interviews one student who responds in character
  • Use sentence strips to sequence the story with a partner, discussing the choice with reacting language
  • Introduce a new character through an impromptu conversation.
  • Complete story map with partner: Identify when, where, characters, problem, resolution
  • Add another impromptu scene that involves conversation to the folktale
  • Negotiate in the target language with group to decide the characters and plot points of a new story
  • Continue a Conversation from the story
  • Have an impromptu conversation with a partner that takes place in a target language vacation destination